Stressed? Take a music class!
Why Henderson Doesn't Have a Pool on the Roof
Famous Pennsylvania Artists - Mac Miller
Fun Facts about West Chester
Henderson Help- Memory
Club Highlights: American Sign Language Club
Club Highlights: National Art Honor Society
Henderson Help: Valentine’s Day
Henderson Help: How to De-Stress
Homegrown Artists: Dr. Dog
Adolescent Mental Health in the Age of COVID: Part II
Homegrown Artists: Camp Candle
Homegrown Artists: Jack T. Franklin
Homegrown Artists: John Hannafin
Book Review: A Modern-Day Muslim Pride and Prejudice
Homegrown Artists: Teddy Pendergrass
Should the Henderson School Start Time be Delayed?
Why We Need a National Signing Day at Henderson
Why public speaking should be a required course at Henderson.
How One Genre Shaped a Generation
Sunrise West Chester: young people in your community working to put an end to climate change
Amazing Books by POC Authors
Environmental Club - Help to Make the World Greener with Henderson
Can Sports Cope with COVID-19?