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Henderson Help

By Madison O’Malley and Macie Burt

These past couple of school years have been particularly rough for students; luckily, we can help! This advice column will provide relevant information to help guide students through the current events going on in classes, special event weeks, and other situations.

This week and up until winter break usually have many tests and assignments in order to cram lots of learning into a small amount of time before the end of the marking period. Here are some of our best tips on how to avoid falling behind.

  1. Use a planner. This can be a physical one, or just a few bullet points in your phone's notes app to keep track of homework and test dates.

  2. Use Quizlet (or flashcards). When studying for a test, Quizlet or even physical note cards can be really helpful for memorizing large amounts of information in a short period of time.

  3. Get plenty of sleep. Despite it being tempting to stay awake all night, having enough sleep and energy is super important to be able to function and do your work the next day.

  4. Email your teachers for help. If you don't understand a topic don't wait and fall behind, ask for help from friends or teachers before the work becomes a problem.

  5. Don't procrastinate. Ever. Everyone has been there before, scrolling through their phone endlessly while an essay due the next day is just an empty document on their computer. Don't do that. Motivate yourself to work in small periods of time with breaks as soon as possible, don't wait until the last minute.

  6. Check Schoology often. Most assignments are usually uploaded to Schoology or are written on your Schoology calendar. It can help you keep up and remember your assignments.

We hope these few tips will help pull you through the next few crazy and hectic weeks before winter break!

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